Monday, March 30, 2015

Stand Up for the Truth

From Google

From Google

From Google
Life sometimes is unfair and people are unjust.It sometimes does not give you what you truly deserve. But in all struggles that I have triumphed and in all the hardships that I am still facing, I have learned the value of patience, determination, bravery, strength, and courage. I endured and patiently rose up after all the challenges and defeats I experienced. I was raised to listen and follow. I was also trained during my junior and senior years in High School the value of "Obey First Before You Complain." I treasured the value of respect and obedience during my student years.  But during those years, I also learned the meaning of fairness and equality. I was once a victim of partiality during the latter months of my senior High School by joining/choosing a dance presentation for the winners of the Model Parents Search rather than being part of the cadets and cadettes who queued up raising their swords in respect to the same winners of the said search. Yes, I am talking of the same program. Saying all that, from a major position in CAT, I was demoted to be a platoon leader and eventually stripped off a position in the organization. I did not speak for my right for I know then the importance of discipline and submission. From then on, I have started to realize the society's irrationality and unfairness. In my almost 18 years as a teacher, I am usually tagged as bold, impulsive, and blunt. Most of the time, people around me mistaken my "frankness" for arrogance and disrespect.

Is it incorrect to act out and speak up for one's right? Is it wrong to speak up for the injustice and prejudice you experience at work? Standing up for one's right is never a crime. Well, I also learned the value of humility. But letting injustice slide for the sake of compromise is a big no for me. Humility does not necessarily mean that you should give up your right for the truth. What if you are pushed to the wall? What if you are asked to do something inappropriate or wrong? BROADCASTING SENTIMENTS TO THE PUBLIC IS ALSO NOT A CRIME. It is my choice. I am proud and certain to tell you that the rewards/love I get from my students and their parents whether they are verbal or in the form of presents are all screaming for what I am as a worker. They are all silent recognition that I appreciate more. Never did I ask anyone to laud in any way over any achievement or accomplishment I made in all schools I have worked for. What I am always pushing for is the proper treatment of superiors to his subordinates. But sometimes you have to deal with  a lot of unjust people in the world. They will try not to ever give you things that you truly deserve instead threaten you of what "things" you can give to them far beyond your duty. In some situations, you might be a victim of indecent proposals and malicious acts by them. That I know spells T-H-R-E-A-T and H-A-R-A-S-S-M-E-N-T! I will definitely stand up for the truth and what is RIGHT. I will fight for my rights always.  

And in case that you know that you are becoming a victim of unfairness, injustice, and is not given proper recognition of the contribution you make to the place you are right now. Do not forget that GOD IS A JUST GOD AND WILL EVENTUALLY SHOWER YOU WITH WHAT YOU TRULY DESERVE. Remember also that your character and work ethics are part of the bases of your success and promotion. It is never ever the "pleasure" in whatever form that anyone could give to his or her superiors so he or she is favored all the time. 

